Thu, 21 Mar 2024

At BNP Paribas Personal Finance UK, we believe in empowering our colleagues to unlock their potential and progress their careers. As a Top Employer, this forms part of our ongoing commitments to providing our colleagues with a better workplace environment.

Between 18th and 22nd March, we held a week-long Career Days event at our Solihull and Belfast offices to highlight the support and initiatives in place at BNP Paribas Personal Finance UK to help colleagues progress their careers.

Before delving into our reflections on the week of events, Susan Farmer, Chief People Officer, talks us through the importance of Career Days at BNP Paribas Personal Finance UK.

Susan said, “At BNP Paribas Personal Finance, we understand that everyone has a different career goal in mind. As a Top Employer, we pride ourselves on providing our teams with the support they need to develop themselves professionally, unlock their potential, and reach their goals.

“Following last year’s event, we’ve taken onboard employee feedback and prepared a variety of in-person and remote workshops which focus on five key areas: inform, discover, develop, connections and jobs.”

Inform colleagues of the mobility process

A number of our sessions have been designed to inform colleagues about the various progression opportunities available across the business, including our mobility process. At BNP Paribas Personal Finance UK, many of our colleagues progress their careers by moving between various departments across the business, gaining a range of new skills and experiences along the way.

In these sessions, we introduced our new internal mobility and recruitment platform, discussed our mentoring programme, and demonstrated how colleagues can navigate their professional journey within the organisation — with a number of our colleagues sharing their experiences of internal progression.

Discover what areas of the business do

As part of our week-long Career Days events, we wanted shine a light on the work of various departments and increase visibility of the impact each of them has across BNP Paribas Personal Finance UK. 

Through a range of workshops and sessions, colleagues were able to gain insight into various areas of the business — including IT and partner finance — and learn more about how they could move into these departments.  

By gaining a holistic view of the organisation, we believe our colleagues are better equipped to make decisions about how they would like to progress their careers and develop in a role that they are really passionate about.

Develop colleagues through professional development

An important part of career progression is putting steps in place to make it happen. So, a new addition to this year’s Career Days events were our Bite Size Career Conversations.

These one-on-one sessions with our Talent Business Partner enabled colleagues to discuss their career ambitions in more depth and set a clear list of objectives and actions that will be built into their professional development plan to help them achieve these goals.

Help colleagues nurture their network and build connections

Throughout the week, we provided ample opportunities for colleagues to connect with others across all areas of the business.

To build on these networking opportunities, we also held two skills sessions that were designed to help colleagues better utilise their networks and were hosted by our Women in Business Network.

This included one session which focused how to develop a personal brand and another on how to get the most out of our network and maximise your career progression as a result.

Showcase vacancies and job opportunities

Overall, our week of Careers Days events provided an opportunity to showcase a range of exciting opportunities across BNP Paribas Personal Finance UK.

By highlighting these opportunities, we hope to inspire our colleagues to pursue their career goals, develop in a role they are passionate about, and unlock their potential.

Are you interested in developing your career with a Top Employer? Explore our latest career opportunities at our Solihull and Belfast offices here -